
Addiction & Dependency Ministry

There is freedom in Jesus Christ. When Jesus sets someone free, they are free indeed! Since we believe that to be true we are committed to helping others experience the same freedom in Christ we have experienced. We gather as a small group, share life experiences, encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and study God’s Word so that we can grow and put off the things that so easily side track us in our spiritual walk.

Care Ministry

We try to put hands and feet to our actions by not only saying we care, but showing we care. We want to be intentional about reaching out to our church family, guests, the sick and those that need encouragement. This is a great ministry to be a blessing to others!

Children’s Ministry

Our Children’s ministry is very important to us. Our children are a blessing and an awesome responsibility that we do not take lightly. At Lafayette Church of the Nazarene, our children are a priority!

Every Sunday Morning (except certain holidays) during the 10:45am worship service our children worship the Lord in a kid friendly and kid oriented atmosphere we simply call: “Kidz Church.” They will sing praise to God and be taught from God’s Word a truth that is pertinent to their lives. God’s Word is important no matter what age we are!

Every summer we have a full week called: Vacation Bible School (VBS) in which we gather every evening for worship, games, crafts, music, and an intentional focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.

There are Sunday School classes for everyone from infants through adulthood. In Sunday School they will learn the stories and truths of the Bible from loving and caring teachers & workers.

College & Career / Young Adult Ministry

More than ever the need is apparent for each of us to encounter the Living Christ! We seek to give oppotunity to those in their college and young adult life to do just that. Whether it is a time of fellowship or a Sunday School class or some trip we share together; we want to make available a spiritual connecting point for young adults!

Compassionate Ministries

Part of being Christian is sharing His Love with others through acts of compassion. There are always needs around us and we want to be part of the answer to those things!

  • We have an annual Christmas food basket drive that we use to help families with needs.
  • We maintain a food bank in our local church for people who need a helping hand in that area.
  • In times of national and even international disaster we try to raise funds and assist through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.

There are many ways in which we provide a helping hand in compassion to those around us!

Discipleship Ministry

Just as important as encountering Christ and becoming a Christian is the time you spend growing in your relationship with Him. As Christians we must consciously nurture the desire to grow in Holiness.

Men’s Ministry

We want to be a place where men can find Christ and grow in Him! Men need a strong foundation today. There is much being said about “manhood” in the media today, but we desire to be Biblically defined men. How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to God’s Word! We have times of fellowship and spiritually focused times that we get together to grow in Christ Jesus and in our relationships with one another.

Music Ministry

Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Whether you sing or play an instrument there is a place for you to participate!We have a choir that leads us in worship from time to time along with many soloist and singing ensembles.There are also instrumentalists who play for the offeratory, special songs of praise, and during our congregational singing.

Prayer Ministry

We believe in the importance of prayer in the life of the believer and the church. There is much emphasis on prayer in our preaching and teaching both as individuals and as a body of believers. Throughout the week there are a number of opportunities for people to gather together corporately and participate in intercessory prayer times. We want to intercede on behalf of needs of those around us both physical and spiritual.

Senior Adult Ministry

Our Seniors like to get together for fellowship too! There are varying activities and things that are “Prime Timer” folks like to do together. For all those 55 and over, welcome to a place where you can fellowship and grow too!

Sports Ministry

As a church we are actively growing in Christ and seeking to know Him more. We also take the opportunity to fellowship with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ by playing together! There are various sports that our church family is a part of at any given time of the year. Basketball, volleyball, or softball leagues and teams are all times for us to grow in our relationships with each other while having fun too.

Women’s Ministry

In February every year we have the “Women’s Winter Renewal.” It is a Friday & Saturday filled with fellowship, food, fun, and especially spiritual renewal. There are a number of women’s Bible Studies that occur each year. These are great times of Bible Study as well as sharing with one another and finding a place to grow together in the Lord. Thankfully God helps us navigate the sea of misinformation to seek real womanhood through His Word.

Youth Ministry

God works in the life of teenagers too! With that in mind we have sought to make ample opportunity for teenagers to come to know Christ and grow in Him. Every summer we organize a youth camp for a week of fun, great memories, friends, and especially time of drawing close to God. Many teenagers have had life changing experiences at Lafayette Youth Camp.

There are also activities happening almost every month in our youth group. Whether it be a lock-in, game night, sports, there is probably something coming up that you can jump into and know that everything occurs in the context of good Christian fun! There are also Sunday School classes available for both Middle School and High School teens every Sunday morning at 9:45am.

Every Fall, shortly after everyone heads back to school, we also have Youth Fest. It is a weekend devoted to helping teens get established spiritually as well as some fun activities on Saturday.